Monthly lenses are soft contacts that need to be replaced every month. You will need to take out your monthly lenses every night and make sure you clean them. In addition, monthly lenses are often perceived as comfortable lenses. Monthly lenses are available in toric, multifocal and coloured spherical variety. Below is our range of monthly contact lenses. Read more...
Monthly lenses are soft monthly replaceable contact lenses. Monthly lenses are very popular lenses. The soft contact lenses must be replaced after 30 days. They are only suitable for a whole day. At the end of the day, you clean the contact lenses with a lens solution.
About monthly lenses
A monthly lens is a soft lens that lasts for a month. Then you can easily replace the contact lenses with a new lens. Before you go to bed, take out the lenses and store them in a lens jar with lens fluid. To maintain healthy eyes and a clear vision every day, you need to clean them well. Monthly lenses are thin, oxygen-permeable and offer high wearing comfort. Monthly lenses are often the cheapest if you look at the total costs on an annual basis.
Benefits of monthly lenses
Monthly lenses can be worn for a long period. You do not have to replace them as often with daily or daily lenses.
Our monthly lenses are always manufactured with the latest technologies and allow a lot of oxygen to pass through. As a result, they cause eye irritations.
Cheaper than daily disposables. This is because you have to replace them less often. That is why you spend less money on monthly lenses than daily lenses.
Types of monthly lenses
Because monthly lenses are so popular in Europe, they are available in all shapes and sizes. A suitable monthly lens can be found for every lens wearer. There are multifocal monthly lenses, toric monthly lenses, and spherical monthly lenses. They are available in different materials. Our monthly lenses come in all kinds of different strengths
Brands monthly lenses
At 123Optic you can choose from a large number of different contact lens brands. Well-known brands including Air Optix Aqua, Proclear and PureVision are all part of our extensive range. But the exclusive brand ClearVision can also be the perfect match if you are looking for a comfortable and affordable monthly lens.
Buy cheap monthly lenses
When you know what strength you need, you can easily order lenses online. With 123Optic you can save a lot on monthly lenses. For cheap monthly lenses you have come to the right place on our website. Above you will find our range of monthly lenses. Order your contact lenses online for a competitive price and they will be delivered to your home.